For Moms who are FED UP with accidental bladder leaks and lower tummy bulge...



Even if you pee when you laugh, run, or sneeze

Even if you have abdominal separation

Even if your kids are newborn or off to college!

No More Accidents...

Are you sick and tired of annoying “accidents” (bladder leaking) when you run, workout, cough, or yell. Pregnancy is tough on your body! Whether you had your kids 1, 5, 10, or more years ago, your body needs special realignment and reconnection to return to full strength and function.

Without pelvic floor reconnection, moms are often left dealing with…

~annoying “accidents” (bladder leaking) when they run, jump, or sneeze

~abdominal separation

~lower back aches or tight, achy hips/pelvis

~the dreaded “mummy tummy” (lower belly pooch)

To Make matters worse...

All those crunches you're doing to flatten your lower abs are not helping and probably making your pelvic floor problems worse!

Targeting only your six pack ab muscles with crunches is NOT going to help you get the flat belly you want! Not only that but crunches can put a lot of pressure down onto your pelvic floor making your leaking problems even worse.

YOu don't have time

I know you’re tired of the struggle! Trying to get “all the things” done, precious little time to yourself, feeling the desire to workout but trying to juggle everything!

you don't know how

Add to that, fear of injury, not feeling the same (athletic) way you did before you had kids and now you’re also stuck wondering if you can even keep your pants dry when you finally have a chance to head out for a run. It’s all too much and you don’t know where to start!

It doesn't have to be this way!

I was right where you are now...

Until I decided

that I was going to do whatever it took, learn everything I needed to know and fix this problem once and for all...

There is a missing link that you need to know about!

THis missing link will change everything!

THis missing link will change everything!

Imagine how amazing it would be to never again have to wear a pad to the gym or out running.

Wouldn’t it be great to not only stay dry but strengthen your inner core muscles so deeply that your lower tummy finally flattens?

Imagine how amazing you will feel knowing your body can handle anything life (or your kids) throws at it!

Imagine exercising with confidence that you won't pee yourself. Imagine being strong enough to chase after your kids or play on the trampoline with them without ending up needing a dry pair of pants!

AND picture the beautiful, flat tummy that will show up with those strong pelvic floor muscles...

It is possible to get the abs you're looking for by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles!

I know how it feels to struggle with bladder leaking. That's why I developed...

THe simply Stronger solution

My signature system for strengthening your pelvic floor and core.

I struggled just like you!

I know how it feels to worry about accidental bladder leaks while you’re working out.

I know how it feels to worry that certain exercises are going to make your back hurt more.

I know how it feels to do hundreds and hundreds of crunches and still not be happy with the shape of your abs.

I understand the unique issues that mom bodies face and have discovered the key to getting the results you are looking for.

That’s why I developed...

The Simply Stronger Solution, my signature system to strengthen your pelvic floor.

The Simply Stronger Solution utilizes three simple concepts… (A,B,C)



~Core Connection



~Core Connection

This system will rebuild your pelvic floor so you stay dry and restore your core, strengthen your abdominal separation and help you get that flat tummy you want!

You will FEEL better almost immediately!

You will get stronger from the inside out!

By reconnecting your brain to your pelvic floor and core muscles, you regain both function (no more accidents) and appearance (flatter tummy.)

form follows function

As you regain pelvic floor strength and control, your tummy will flatten.

You will feel...


Pelvic floor muscle strength FEELS amazing! You will start to feel stronger right away. Your pelvic floor is the foundation of your core (the foundation of your body) and strengthening these muscles will build your body from the inside out.

You will see...

A flatter Tummy!

Your pelvic floor muscles are deeply interconnected with your abdominal muscles. They work together. When you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, your abdominals are where the results are seen!

The secret to doing this is using exercises that are tailored to your body that will progress you safely to getting stronger from the inside out.

Get ready to rebuild your pelvic floor and reclaim your abs with the…

Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix

The quick and simple way to strengthen your pelvic floor and reconnect your core.

Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix is a 4 week program for moms who want to get STRONGER, control their bladder leaking and flatten their lower tummy.

Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix includes...

full access to the SImply Stronger Solution, my signature system for strengthening your pelvic floor and core, the foundation of your body. You will learn the system through weekly online videos, exercise and release demonstrations and PDF guides.

Week 1

Connect with your Pelvic Floor and Core

week 2

Activate and Build Strength

Learn how to connect with your pelvic floor muscles to determine whether those muscles are loose or tight. Learn how to tell if your brain and pelvic floor have become disconnected and what you should do to fix it.

Learn what it takes to build real strength in your pelvic floor. Activate your pelvic floor muscles and learn how to both contract and relax them.

Hint: you need to be able to do both!

Week 1

Connect with your Pelvic Floor and Core

Learn how to connect with your pelvic floor muscles to determine whether those muscles are loose or tight. Learn how to tell if your brain and pelvic floor have become disconnected and what you should do to fix it.

week 2

Activate and Build Strength

Learn what it takes to build real strength in your pelvic floor. Activate your pelvic floor muscles and learn how to both contract and relax them.

Hint: you need to be able to do both!

week 3

Start Feeling and Seeing Progress

week 4

Get Stronger and Gain Control

Put all the pieces together and get the muscles of your pelvis to work together with the muscles of your core. Your body is like a symphony, you need ALL of the instruments to play together!

Make it all harder so that you get stronger! This is when you become unstoppable. Work on your ability to control pressure throughout your core.

week 3

Start Feeling and Seeing Progress

Put all the pieces together and get the muscles of your pelvis to work together with the muscles of your core. Your body is like a symphony, you need ALL of the instruments to play together!

week 4

Get Stronger and Gain Control

Make it all harder so that you get stronger! This is when you become unstoppable. Work on your ability to control pressure throughout your core.



Jumping! Without worrying about wet pants...

Running! And staying dry...

Laughing and Yelling! Without the embarrassment...

Confidence! That comes from knowing you look and feel your best...

Excitement! When you see your flat tummy in the mirror...

What's Included?

  • Weekly exercises, release work and strengthening that you need to change your body and strengthen your pelvic floor and core.

  • Video exercise demos so that you know that you are performing the exercises correctly and you don’t need to worry about getting injured.

  • In-depth knowledge about how your body is designed to function so that you stay dry, your core supports you and you regain full function for life.

  • Workouts that will leave you feeling free of aches, stronger and ready to take on any challenge that life may throw at you.

Plus... Bonuses!

Get these amazing bonuses FOR FREE when you join Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix today.

Bonus #1

Bladder Rescue

Daily Habit Guide to Save your Pelvic Floor!

(value $27.)

Ever wonder why you need to pee so often? Why do you have to go again just minutes after getting off the toilet?

This definitive guide answers questions like these and offers easy, practical solutions so that you bladder stays happy and you stay in control!

Bonus #2

To Kegel... or Not to Kegel

Are Kegels helping or hurting your pelvic floor?

(value $77.)

What are kegel exercises? How can you tell if you are doing them correctly or if you should be doing them at all?

Are your pelvic floor muscles tight or loose and why does it matter?

Why aren't my kegel exercises helping?

Bonus #3

no-Leak Exercise Guide

How to stay DRY when you're working out!

(value $37.)

This guide uses the principles of the Simply Stronger Solution to work through WHY your bladder is leaking when you workout.


Regular Price $77.

Limited Time Offer: only $37.

Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix is available at this special pricing for a limited time. Grab it today!

Bonus 1 - Bladder Rescue - FREE

Regular price $27.

Bonus 2 - To Kegel or Not to Kegel - FREE

Regular price $77.

Bonus 3 - No-Leak Exercise Guide - FREE

Regular price $37.

"I feel like those muscles are all working the way they should and the journey is not over yet."


Jennifer is doing amazing and important work! Her knowledge base in how the body works and is inter-connected is fabulous, as well as her belief in its ability to heal and change. More people need to be cheerleading substantiated hope in not only recovery, but the ability to thrive with certain conditions, injuries or diagnoses that are often cast as "normal" or unable to recover from. In working with Jennifer she was not only knowledgeable in the body, she was emotionally supportive of the journey it takes. If you're willing to dedicate time to yourself, you WILL see a change.

Poa J.

After ten years of asking Dr’s, Nurse Practitioners, and friends who are nurses and a whole variety of women about how to address bladder control, I had not found a solution. So, I just suffered and used all the bathrooms anytime one was nearby. I would try to control my water intake prior to long business trips to manage symptoms. But, I also knew that my bladder was functioning well yet if I coughed or sneezed there was a leak. I stopped running completely and only walked and rode my bicycle.

I follow Jenn on social media and she was talking about pelvic floor strength. I took a class from her and while it was not easy to break away from family responsibilities to get to class, I knew this was important. And the exercises seemed easy and they are, it’s just continuously doing them to build up over time. Now, when I leave the house, I no longer worry about my next bathroom break. I feel like all those muscles are all working the way they should and the journey is not over yet. I feel physically better when I am out in the world after all those years of repeating the question about bladder control in my annual physical exam.

Jenn helped me identify various places in my anatomy to work on, some of it is release, some strengthening and mostly specific exercises. She is a rock star and a self-proclaimed geek about exercise, she has helped me in many, many ways.

Janine B.

Jenn really knows what she is talking about, going beyond the typical expectations for ab work. She integrates core strengthening into everyday activities, posture, breathing, as well as targeted exercises in a way that really works. I became stronger, my DR gap narrowed, and my lower back pain was diminished. And she provides this in a positive, supportive, encouraging environment where I felt comfortable to be myself and share my personal body challenges.

Alene L.

The Stronger Guarantee

I am certain that Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix is going to be a game-changer for your pelvic floor and tummy. But, if for some reason, you feel like I haven’t fulfilled on this promise to you, just contact me (within 7 days of purchase) and I’ll issue a refund.


I am newly postpartum.

Is this program safe for me to do?

This program is perfect for moms who are newly postpartum. As long as you have been cleared for exercise by your doctor, this program is 100% safe for postpartum mamas! AND in addition to being a safe way to start working out, it is exactly what you need to get your core and pelvic floor ready for more strenuous exercise (if thats your goal.)

My kids are all older.

Can Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix still work even if I had my kids years ago?

Absolutely! This is the situation I was in when I decide to strengthen my pelvic floor. It is never too late to get stronger!!

I struggle with bladder leaking even though I never had kids.

Can Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix still help me too?

Yes! Its very easy for us to become disconnected to the muscles in our pelvic floor. Childbirth is not the only reason why women may have trouble with bladder leaking. This program will 100% help you whether you’ve had kids or not!

I’ve had a hysterectomy and a prolapse. I’m not sure if Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix is right for me?

There are so many factors that go into pelvic floor strength and full function of those muscles. Both of these situations (hysterectomy and prolapse) involve a number of different issues and can be an easy fix sometimes (and sometimes not unfortunately!) What I can promise you is that you will learn so many ways to help alleviate pressure from your pelvic floor and that might be all it takes to help your body reach better function. There is an optimal way to manage the muscles in your core/pelvic floor and it is even more important for you to learn that when you are dealing with either of these issues.

I have 3 kids and I work full time. How much time do I need to do this program?

I recommend approximately 10-15 minutes per day of the exercises in the program. I think we can all manage to carve out 15 minutes for this important self-care!

What equipment do I need for Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix?

NONE! That's right, nothing. You will be using a small pillow or rolled up towel for a few of the exercises but no special equipment necessary.

The best time to get started is right now!

Why waste even one more day?

In four short weeks, you could be enjoying better abdominal engagement, a flatter tummy, a stronger, activated pelvic floor and all that goes along with it!

Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix

The quick and simple way to strengthen your pelvic floor and flatten your tummy.

Bonus 1 - Bladder Rescue - FREE

Regular price $27.

Bonus 2 - To Kegel or Not to Kegel - FREE

Regular price $77.

Bonus 3 - No-Leak Exercise Guide - FREE

Regular price $37.

Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix

Regular Price = $77.

Limited Time Offer - $37.

Is pelvic floor tummy fix right for you?

The answer is YES if...

  • You've struggled with your core, abs or pelvic floor.

Core disconnection and abdominal separation as well as pelvic floor problems are all deeply related to what is happening with your abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor.

  • You are fed up with accidental bladder leaking when you run, jump or sneeze.

Your abs are tied directly to your pelvic floor muscles! Its all connected so strengthening this one area will help with a range of problems you may be facing.

  • You just want your abs to look better!

Its ok to say that you wish your abs were flatter, or more defined. Its your body - you get to decide what you want for your body.

Make a choice TODAY that change is possible for you! - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions

Disclaimer and Warnings:

Check with your healthcare provider before beginning this or any exercise program. The Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix program and all my programs are based on my professional education and personal experience. Not every program or exercise is right for every person, so you MUST consult with your healthcare provider before doing any exercises in the program. This is not a substitute for any kind of medical/professional advice. You exercise at your own risk and take full responsibility for how your body responds to these or any exercises. You agree to hold Jennifer Penney and ABC Stronger completely harmless and not liable for any and all injuries that might occur as a result of your movements.

The Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix program is for information purposes only and not meant to treat, cure, diagnose or heal any diseases, illnesses, ailments, physical injuries or abnormalities. By purchasing The Pelvic Floor Tummy Fix, you expressly acknowledge that you have checked with your healthcare provider and have been cleared by them to participate in this program.


ABC Stronger and this page are NOT affiliated with Facebook in any way,